April 18 – Our Lady of Health (Italy, 1428) – Beatification of Sister Faustina Kowalska (1993)

Mary wants us to be faithful Christians

Our Lady wants us to be faithful to God, and to be better Christians. We are all too deserving of Our Lord's reproach: "Men of little faith!” Our faith is too often languid, and as a result, our hope is weak and our charity grows cold. We get preoccupied by what is happening around us, by futile events, and we stop thinking about eternity. The first step towards conversion is to think ahead!

Christians today willingly follow after the worldly, forgetting Our Lord and the saints, because the world and its vanities are more attractive. Christians have many devotional practices, but not much devotion. The more devotions we add, the more we risk losing true devotion. 

The true Christian joyfully observes the commandments. Let us beg God, the Father of mercies, to forgive us. As you know, God's greatness shines the brightest when he forgives! 

Let us pray to the Blessed Virgin that she will not let her children go astray on the wide road that the world is enticing them to follow.


Father Emmanuel

Excerpt from Chaque jour avec Marie, dans la Sainte Espérance (Every day with Mary, in Holy Hope), § 31

Saint-Evroult-Notre-Dame-du-Bois, France

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