September 22 – St. Thomas of Villanova (d. 1555) – Saint Mary of the Royal Court (Italy, 1575)

She Exceeds All Thought and Intelligence

I wondered why the Evangelists, after having spoken about John the Baptist and the Apostles in great length, skimmed over the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, although she exceeds them ad infinitum by her excellence and her virtue. Why, I asked myself, have they told us nothing of her birth, her education, her habits, her daily life with her Son, her life with the Apostles after the Resurrection of the Lord? … The Holy Spirit has not depicted her in the Holy Letters, to leave it up to you to make your own idea, so that you discover that absolutely nothing is lacking in her grace, perfection and glory that the Holy Spirit is capable of conceiving in a pure creature. What is more, she exceeds all thought and intelligence. Therefore, after telling us the entire story, it was useless to write down the bits and pieces; all the more so as we may have conjured up the belief that any omitted compliment in the writings meant that she did not possess that virtue. If God Almighty has so marvelously decorated the ministers and servants of His house with such gifts and virtues, what in your mind has He done for His Mother? What has He given that unique spouse, chosen among all women and loved above all? Therefore, I conclude that all you wish to know about the Blessed Virgin, you will find contained in these few words: Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary. This is her story – it’s a very long and interesting story.

Saint Thomas of Villanova (1488-1555)


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