September 9 - Our Lady of Cavadonga and Arantzazu (Spain) - Blessed Alain de la Roche (d. 1475)

Angolan faithful devoted to Our Lady of Muxima since 1599

Our Lady of the Conception of Muxima, also known as Our Lady of Muxima (i.e “Mother”) is a Marian shrine in Angola (Central Africa, present-day province of Bengo) dating back to 1599.

The shrine quickly became an important center of Christianity, where African slaves were baptized before being shipped to various places, especially to the Americas.

It also became an important place of worship for the indigenous Christian populations, known for the miraculous healings obtained through the intercession of the Virgin of Muxima. Many forms of devotions and traditions originate from that shrine.

The most important is the pilgrimage of Our Lady of the Conception of Muxima, established in 1833, which attracts thousands of pilgrims each year in late August and early September.

However, despite its widespread popularity among the Angolan Catholic population, Our Lady of Muxima is not yet considered the patron saint of Angola by the Episcopal Conference of Angola and São Tomé.


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