May 29 – Apparition of Mary to Sister Lucia of Fatima at the Tui Convent (Spain, 1930) – Saint Paul VI

Mary, the Miraculously Saved!

After making my first communion, I went to Notre Dame of Paris Cathedral to entrust my spiritual life to the Lord. As soon as I saw the Madonna and Child on the pillar, I was struck by her look of tenderness. Sixty years later, I find myself as rector of the Cathedral at her feet again, and my heart is filled with gratitude. Mary has indeed accompanied me during these forty years of priesthood. Her closeness, her gentleness, her presence in good and bad times have always brought me great comfort.

After the Cathedral fire, the statue of Madonna and Child should have been crushed by the collapse of the vault above her; yet she was protected: Mary, the Miraculously Saved! She also protected the firemen and first responders: Mary, the Miracle Worker!

Today, Mary gives me hope. I know that she will not abandon me. Every day through the prayer of the Rosary, she helps me to trust myself and places me in the arms of her beloved Son.

Mary, Mother of Priests, once again I entrust to you what I hold most dear, the gift that your Son gave me at Notre Dame in June 1980—my priesthood.


Msgr. Patrick Chauvet, current Rector and Archpriest of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris (2021)

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