March 21 - 5th Sunday of Lent - Our Lady of Nowy Swierjan (Russia)

Kidnapped priest in Nigeria saved by the Rosary

Father Valentine Ezeagu was driving through Imo state on December 15, 2020, en route to his father's funeral when he was ambushed by four armed men. The priest was freed 36 hours later and, reporting his release to his religious superior, Father Ezeagu said the abductors had let him go after seeing him pray the Rosary.

Speaking to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) within minutes of receiving Fr Ezeagu's phone call, Fr George Okorie, Superior General of the Congregation of the Sons of Mary, Mother of Mercy, said: "When I spoke to Fr Valentine, he told me that seeing him praying the Rosary made his abductors confused… They started having a guilty conscience. It made them realize that, since he was wearing a cassock, they had not got the right person, so they gave him some food and released him." At that time there had been no information about Fr Ezeagu's kidnappers, Fr Okorie said: "We thank God who has really touched the hearts of the abductors. We pray for them."

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