January 6 – Epiphany of the Lord – Birth date of Saint Joan of Arc (c. 1412)

Saint Joan’s mission was on behalf of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On January 6, 1412, wrote Bishop Debout, the inhabitants of Domrémy returned home after attending the services for the feast of the Epiphany. Suddenly and inexplicably, a breath of joy entered all the hearts of every household. Surprised, the good villagers wondered why they were feeling so happy. They opened their doors and came out of their thatched cottages, searching the sky.

But they couldn’t find the cause of this sudden happiness. Even the animals shared in the general exhilaration—roosters flapped their wings and for two hours made loud and long winded coos. What was the reason for this sudden joy?

Joan of Arc was born! She was the divine answer to the pleas that kings and peoples had been making to God for a century. "I went to see the King of France on behalf of the Blessed Virgin Mary," Joan would tell her judges. As a child, Saint Joan loved to visit a rustic church near her home dedicated to the Virgin Mary called Our Lady of Bermont.

Marquis de la Franquerie, La Vierge Marie dans l’Histoire de France (The Virgin Mary in the History of France)

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