December 11 – Our Lady of Consolation (Italy)

The many protections of Our Lady of Consolation

The devotion to Our Lady of Consolation in Reggio Calabria (southern Italy) dates back to the late 1400s to early 1500s, when a Genoese family settled in this city, bringing with them an image of the Virgin to whom they were devoted.

To protect the picture, a small chapel was built on a hill called "the Boot", guarded by a Franciscan tertiary. After the arrival of the Capuchins in Reggio, the chapel was entrusted to them. In 1569, the first church was built on the Hermitage hill and the veneration spread outside the region.

In the following years, many calamities threatened the population: earthquakes, attacks by the Turks, and severe plagues. But Reggio was always protected by Mary, who was invoked with faith, and whose image, in times of danger, was brought from her hermitage to the city.

In 1577, the sacred image of Mary spoke to a humble friar to announce the end of the terrible plague that affected the city of Reggio at that time. The fervent popular festival in honor of the Virgin particularly celebrated by the people of Reggio was born after this miracle. And in 1752, Our Lady of Consolation was proclaimed patron saint of the city.

Our Lady of Consolation is known for her miracles during plagues, invasions and earthquakes: the 1571 plague; the 1594 siege by the Turks; the 1636 plague and first procession; the 1638 catastrophic earthquake etc.


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