December 8 – The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Mary is the icon of our hope

Mary's "yes" was truly an agreement, a free, conscious, and unconditional commitment to a project that came from God the Creator (...).

Mary was aware that by her "yes" she was going to take part in this project of love willed by God since all eternity. She understood that the Lord chose her for this plan, that she was conceived and prepared for this project to take place in history. This is the very meaning of the feast of the Immaculate Conception that we celebrate in the middle of Advent. Yes, Mary recognized that she had been preferred among all women, that she had found favor with God. And it is all these elements that persuaded her to embrace God’s plan.

However, Mary also knew that this motherhood would have difficult consequences in the society and culture of her time: pointed at, the object of gossip in the streets of Nazareth, she risked the death penalty by stoning, like all the girls of her time who were found to be pregnant before and outside marriage. She accepted to face this danger, but she fully trusted in the Lord, who never abandons those he entrusts with a mission.

In this Advent season, Mary is the icon God gives us to await the feast of Christmas. She is the icon of Hope, Love and Faith. Let us also contemplate her, so that she may obtain for us these theological virtues, that is to say, the divine virtues, so we can let the Lord to be born in us each day, with our free assent and trust.


Father Joseph Bahati, Parish priest, St-Loup Cammas parish sector (Haute-Garonne, France)

Avec Marie pendant l'Avent 

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