September 10 - Holy Mary of Life (Italy, 1613)

The Rosary's victory over COVID 19

May 1, 2020. While the whole of France was in lock-down, we were also entering the beautiful month of Mary. How could we survive this month of Mary under house arrest? How could we rediscover in such a context the pure fervor and enthusiasm of our communities that were used to reciting the Rosary together? Who would bring flowers and prayers to Our Lady’s altars? Would people forget to pray the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the month of May?

So I made the decision to pray the Rosary every day at a fixed time—at 5 p.m.—in audio conference with all the people who wanted to pray with me. Several people who also wanted to be faithful to this Marian tradition in May joined me. Among them was a woman called Marie, a hospital cleaner based in Dijon, France.

Marie had tested positive for coronavirus on March 29th. She had to stop working and quarantine at home. She had a cough, fatigue and fever, but loneliness and fear infected her soul too. She wanted to be hospitalized but the doctor refused to do it because her symptoms were not severe enough. "How can you not be afraid of the next day when you have the symptoms of a killer disease but no treatment?"

Marie became the most assiduous prayer partner of our evening Marian hour. A second and third test came out positive again. Her anxiety increased, but thankfully praying the Rosary and turning to Our Lady of Trust brought her peace. Finally, on Friday, May 25th, Marie wrote to me: "I tested negative today, glory to God!" And indeed, the subsequent scan of her lungs showed no trace of COVID 19!

We had constantly invoked Mary, help of the sick and consoler of the afflicted, and Mary answered our prayers. Thank you Mary for that special month of May in lockdown!

Judicaël K., a reader of A Moment with Mary

Testimonial sent on June 18, 2020

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