March 16 – Our Lady of the Fountain (Constantinople, 460); Benedicta of Saint Damian (13th century), superior of the Poor Clares, successor of St Clare of Assisi

How we can honor Mary

We honor Mary by actively participating in today’s Mass and in all the Marian feasts of the Church throughout the year. In these Masses and at other times, we give Mary hyperdulia (an honor greater than that given to the saints dulia and less than the adoration we offer to God), because of the gifts of grace God granted her and because of the way she responded to these gifts.

We also honor her in all the forms of Marian prayer we say: the Rosary, the Angelus, the Regina Caeli, the Hail Holy Queen, the Memorarae, and so on. These are prayers we should pray so often we have them memorized.

We can honor Mary by cultivating an interior life like hers. Mary meditated on, that is, thought about, the events of her life in relation to God’s plan of salvation. We are participants in God’s plan of salvation, too. We are God’s instruments and fellow workers in God’s kingdom. Everything that happens to us has a good meaning and it is up to us to try, with God’s help, to discover and appreciate it.

Mary’s words at the wedding feast of Cana reveal her basic orientation, which we can apply to ourselves: “Do whatever He tells you.” We can honor Mary by praying for her intercession.

Our Lady of all Graces, Pray for us!

Brother Antony Kadavil

Excerpt from his homily of December 30, 2019

Adapted from Vatican News 

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