March 5 – Our Lady of the Miracle (Italy, 1440)

Was Mary born in Sepphoris of Galilee?

Sepphoris of Galilee (now in Israel) is not mentioned in the Bible but it was one of the most majestic cities in biblical times. It even served as a temporary capital under Herod Antipas. What is more, oral tradition has it that the Virgin Mary’s parents resided there. Mount Tabor, where Jesus manifested his glory to his disciples, is not far from Sepphoris.

About 6 miles from Nazareth, Sepphoris is described by the Roman historian of Jewish origin Flavius ​​Josephus as the "ornament of all Galilee" in the time of Herod the Great, who decided to fortify it to make it its temporary capital.

Sepphoris had an eventful history: it was destroyed then rebuilt, its splendor increasing over time, adding in a typically Roman style magnificent public buildings, theaters, and shops, not to mention many private mansions (recent excavations have unearthed beautiful floor mosaics). An earthquake eventually destroyed it in AD 363.

A Romanized Jewish town, Sepphoris was under Roman domination. This is not surprising since the Roman Empire extended to Galilee. As we know, the Roman occupation of Palestine was the historical, cultural and political framework of Jesus’ time. Apocryphal texts, especially James’ proto-gospel, suggest that Saint Anne, Mary’s mother, was born in Sepphoris, and possibly Mary herself.

A three-aisled church built during the Crusades presumably over the site where Anne lived with her husband Joachim and their daughter Mary is a witness to this tradition. Whether or not Jesus' grandparents came from Sepphoris, Jesus must have certainly been familiar with this bustling and prosperous city, distant only a few kilometers from Nazareth where he lived. The splendid hilltop city probably provided the inspiration for the example Jesus used in the Sermon on the Mount: "A city situated on a mountain cannot be hidden."

Finally, it was in the nearby village of Khirbet Qana that Jesus accomplished his first miracle, by changing water into wine during the Wedding at Cana mentioned in John’s Gospel: "This was the beginning of the signs that Jesus accomplished. It was in Cana of Galilee. He manifested his glory, and his disciples believed in him.”

Adapted from: Aleteia

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