June 23 - Madonna del Ardesio (Italy, 1607)

Consecration to Our Lady of Guadalupe for the end of the pandemic

In an epic display of faith in God`s balm, mercy, and power to overcome all adversity, irrespective of its virulence, the bells of the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the heart of Mexico City tolled 12 times, accompanied by those ranging far and wide, from the greatest cathedrals to the most modest churches throughout the length and breadth of Latin America at high noon, calling in clarion unison, the faithful to prayer in a supreme act of faith, demonstrating the overwhelming power of unified belief. The service was held behind closed doors, but its intention was to open all hearts.

The Latin American Bishops Conference complemented and reinforced this with a Rosary and an act of consecration, adorned with a floral wreath, which included the winter roses that were an integral part in the original miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

A statement signed by Archbishop Miguel Cabrejos Vidarte de Trujillo of Peru, the President of the Latin American Bishops Conference stated: "The present time demands that as pastors, we see and hear the afflictions of our peoples and generate hope, by turning our sight to our Mother in Heaven. In so doing, we will strengthen our faith, nourish our hopes and commit ourselves with solidarity and with love to those who are experiencing illness, pain, loneliness, fear and poverty."

Adapted from Vatican News

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