December 6 - 2nd Sunday of Advent - Our Lady of Sées (France) - Our Lady of the Vow (Siena, Italy)

Mary is the greatest protectress identified by the Church

Michel is a devout Catholic from southwestern France (Pyrénées Orientales department) who recently bought a restaurant. When he heard that unexplained things were happening inside, he called a priest to ask him to "entrust the place to the Lord!" and have it exorcised.

During the summer of 2020, Michel called the diocese of Perpignan—most dioceses of France have their own exorcist—and talked to the priest there who has been the official exorcist for the past 15 years.

This exorcist knows how to listen and empathize with people’s sorrows and struggles. "The first thing," the priest says, "is to take the time to listen to people. They need to tell their stories, to free themselves of their burdens. In this particular case, we were dealing with the cleansing of a place, a workspace, a company. In the name of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, I prayed for the health of the souls of those who worked there. I tried to repel the attacks of the devil and sanctify that place."

The blessing was first bestowed on the future tenant, then carried out in each room, door, and window, accompanied by the sign of the cross and a Hail Mary, because Mary is "the greatest protectress identified by the Church."

Adapted from: L’independent

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