September 5 – Our Lady of Smolensk (Russia) – French poet Charles Péguy (d. 1914)

Actor Jim Caviezel dedicated his life and career to Mary in Medjugorje

The star of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ recently paid tribute to the Blessed Virgin Mary, crediting her intercession for his success as an actor.

Jim Caviezel, 50, gave his talk at the “Eucharistic Holy Hour for World Peace Through the Mother of All Peoples” on June 1st in Amsterdam. The event was sponsored by the Archdiocese of Haarlem-Amsterdam.

In his speech, Caviezel described how, feeling a strong conviction that he must do so, he brought a family heirloom rosary with him to an interview with Hollywood director Terence Mallick. Inspired to give the rosary to the woman who greeted him at the door, Caviezel discovered that the now-weeping woman had prayed that day for a new rosary and that she was Mallick’s wife. Caviezel believes the encounter was due to Mary’s intercession and led to his role in Mallick’s Academy Award-winning The Thin Red Line. …

Most dramatically, Caviezel received a phone call from Mel Gibson, who wanted someone who was 33 years old and had the initials “JC” to play Jesus Christ in his film about the Passion.

“Is that a coincidence?” the actor asked his audience. “I don’t think so either.”

Before filming The Passion of the Christ, Caviezel traveled to Medjugorje, a place where some believe there have been Marian apparitions, and consecrated his life and career to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

“Filming The Passion of the Christ brought me even closer to Our Lady,” he told his audience in Amsterdam.

“The more you experience the Passion of Jesus, ladies and gentlemen, the more you understand the compassion of Mary,” he continued.

Life Site News, June 20, 2019 

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