November 9 – Feast of the Mater Domini Icon (Italy, 1060) – Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity (d. 1906)

Mary is like a star that leads us to God

“Mary is like a star that leads us to God,” Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi of Malta told those gathered at the Stella Maris Parish Church on August 17, 2019. He explained that ‘Stella Maris’ is an ancient title which was given to the Virgin Mary, adding that despite the fact that one finds no references in the gospel which associate Mary to the sea, once its meaning is understood, one can then come to a conclusion why the title fits Mary.

‘Stella Maris’ or Star of the Sea is composed of two words ‘star’ and ‘sea,’ Mgr Galea-Curmi explained. The Auxiliary Bishop allegorically explained the name as Mary guiding one to Christ. Adding that she never sought attention for herself but always towards Christ. Citing various examples, Mgr Galea-Curmi reminded that when Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, her response was “I am the Lord’s servant.”

Speaking about the sea, the Auxiliary Bishop explained that living on an island one has ample experience of the sea. He explained that sometimes the sea is calm while other times the sea is rough, similarly one’s life goes through such moments. He added that Mary guides us through our lives whether one is passing through a calm or rough period.

“If you are tossed upon the waves of pride, of ambition, of envy, of rivalry, look to the star, call on Mary. Should anger, or avarice, or fleshly desire violently assail the frail vessel of your soul, look at the star, call upon Mary,” Mgr Galea-Curmi said quoting Saint Bernard.

The Auxiliary Bishop added that Mary as the guiding star is not only needed in an individual’s life but is also needed by the Church. He added that Mary is a sign of hope that helps us overcome fear.

He ended his homily by reiterating that Mary is the star that will lead us to Christ and that once we arrive, we shall find happiness and peace. He prayed that people will continue to seek Mary for guidance and that the Church and the parish keeps her presence alive.

Monique Agius

Adapted from Newsbook

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