May 18 – Our Lady of Holy Desire (Italy, 1890)

"I give you to the one who loves you"

Jesus said, "The human eye cannot fix the sun, but it can look at the moon. The eye of the soul cannot fix the perfection of God as it is. But it can look at Mary's perfection.

Mary is like the moon compared to the sun. It is made bright and reflects on you the light that has illuminated it, but it softens it with mystical mists so your limited nature can sustain it. That is why, for centuries, I have offered her as a model to all of you, whom I wanted to be as brothers, precisely in Mary.

She is the Mother. How sweet it is for children to look at their mother! I have given her to you for that, so that you may have a sweet majesty whose splendor will delight you, but without blinding you... You can all look at Mary. Not because she is like you. Oh, indeed she isn’t! Her purity is so high that even I, who am her Son, treat it with veneration. Her perfection is such that all of Paradise bows before her throne on which the eternal smile and the eternal splendor of Our Trinity descend...

Also, she is your Mother from all eternity. And as the Mother, she has the kind of compassion that excuses, intercedes, and educates patiently. Great is the joy of Mary when she can say to those who love her: ‘Love my Son.’ Great is my joy when I can say to the one who loves me: ‘Love my Mother.’ And great is our joy when we see one of you who, leaving my side, gets up from his knees to go to Mary, or another who, detaching himself from her bosom, comes to me...

I say to you, ‘Love Mary. I give you to the one who loves you and who will enlighten you with just the sweetness of her smile.’

Maria Valtorta, Notebooks

Catechesis of Sunday, June 27, 1943, Excerpts from § 107 and 108

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