May 8 – Our Lady of the Rosary (Pompeii, Italy, 1875)

The "Holy Manna" from Saint John’s tomb

On May 8th, Eastern Orthodox celebrate the synaxis (assembly of believers) of the ashes or "Holy Manna" produced by the tomb of John “the Theologian,” another name for the holy and illustrious Apostle and Evangelist, the virgin and beloved disciple of the Christ, the Friend who leaned upon his heart and whom Jesus especially entrusted to the Virgin Mary.

After the wonderful passing and burial of the holy Apostle John the Theologian in Ephesus (celebrated every year on the 26th of September), his tomb was found empty and became a site of miracles.

Every year, on May 8th, the tomb would suddenly become covered with a sort of ash, which the Christians from the area called "Manna." This "Manna" had the virtue of curing diseases of the body and the soul for those who applied it on themselves with faith. Thus the Orthodox Church solemnizes once a year the beloved disciple of the Lord, beloved son of the Mother of God.

According to the Orthodox Monastery

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