April 2 – First apparition of the Virgin Mary in Zeitoun (Egypt, 1968-1970), approval of the Coptic Patriarch and institution of the feast of the Apparitions of de Zeitoun – Death of Pope Saint John Paul II (2005)

In 1968, the Virgin appeared in Egypt (I)

In the popular district of Zeitoun, north of Cairo, Egypt, where according to tradition the Holy Family made a stop during their flight into Egypt, whole crowds saw the Virgin Mary appear above the main dome of a Coptic church, for hours at a time, several times a week, over many years, beginning on April 2, 1968.

The witnesses were not only Christians, Copts, Catholics or Orthodox, but also, and even mainly, Muslims. Many received miraculous healings. These facts, known throughout Egypt, have been the subject of countless testimonies, surveys, official recognition, newspaper and magazine articles for several years.

The Virgin did not say a single word. She appeared at unexpected times, most often at night, in various attitudes and clothes. The most spectacular apparitions took place between April 27th and June 15, 1968. After 1970, they became less frequent, about once a month, but remained spectacular.

Father François Brune

In La Vierge de l’Egypte : l’incroyable apparition de Marie à des millions d’Egyptiens 

Edition « Le jardin des Livres – Références » 

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