March 8 – Our Lady of Graces (Italy, 1487) - Saint John of God (1495-1550)

At the foot of all our crosses, stands Mary, our Mother

The Virgin Mary is the patron saint of the Brothers Hospitallers of Saint John of God. Brother Jesús Etayo is currently the Superior General. He has this to say about the constant protection of the Virgin on the Order:

"Since the time of Saint John of God, our founder, the Order has constantly experienced her presence and protection. Mary has always guided and accompanied the life and mission of the brothers and their collaborators wherever they are on the five continents ... She learned from the merciful Christ the mercy and consolation of God and made them her own. Mother of the faithful, she is particularly merciful to those of her children who are more in need and for whom she prays and intercedes with God. She teaches us to be merciful because we are her children. None of us has the right to refuse mercy to one of his brothers.

At the foot of the cross she learned to console her son while he was dying (see Jn 19:25). She continues to be present at the foot of all the crosses that crucify her suffering children—the sick, the poor, and the forgotten. To all she offers her presence, her protection and her consolation."

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