June 6 – Our Lady of Graces (Alessandria, Italy, 1892) - St Marcellin Champagnat, founder of the Marist Brothers

How can you be a communist?

Brother Louis Claudius, a Marist, spent 46 years in China where he was a middle school director and Legion of Mary chapter sponsor. He professed a great love for the Blessed Virgin, a love that he taught to his students, many of whom were later arrested and executed for belonging to the Legion of Mary. Like Blessed Marcellin Champagnat, Br. Louis Claudius led the children to Jesus through Mary. Here is a story he shared:

In 1950, I spent several months in solitary confinement in a communist prison, without ever being accused of anything. One day the chief of police inspected the prison cells with his guards. He entered mine. I was always wary and I demanded the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of religion.

He came near me and said, "I have something to tell you. Listen ... yesterday, while I was inspecting homes in my neighborhood, I found a mother crying because her 2-year old child was dying ... My men were in the husband's room examining his belongings. I said to the distressed mother, "Go and get me some water, I want to heal your child."

She came back with a cup of water with a heedful look. I poured some water on the dying boy's head, saying, "I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

"Why did you do that?" I asked him, surprised.

"I learned to do it in school. I am a pagan, but I’ve always been impressed by this practice, I mean how easy it is to send small children to Heaven."

"Have you done it often?"

"Only twice."

"How can you be a communist?"

"If you want to live and support your family, you need to be with those who are in command, but I hate their way of thinking, judging, teaching, and acting. Keep this to yourself."

"You have my word. I will pray for you and your family and may the Blessed Virgin protect you!"

Collection of Marian Stories, 1975

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