July 28 – Icon of ‘She Who Points the Way’ (Hodegetria)

The most precious gift the Virgin can give us

Why is Mary the guardian of the faith? While it is legitimate to pray to the Virgin for health, family, professional and relationship problems, there is an area where we should especially seek the help of Mary: to increase our faith.

Why this importance of faith in our prayer to Mary? Because of all the dimensions in which our lives unfold, none is more important than our relationship to God. Eternal life is the purpose of our life, the one to which all the rest must be subordinated. We should prefer the infinite joy that is God Himself above all the goods of this world. We were created to live with the Trinity, and to taste the infinite joy that is God’s alone. Since God wanted to be our happiness, nothing is more important in this life than the relationships we have with Him.

No saint is more qualified than the Virgin Mary to educate us and show us how to maintain the vital link of faith with our Creator. Not only has no creature been so close to God as she was, but moreover, the sin of doubt and suspicion of her Creator having never reached Mary, she has always tasted the joy of one who walks with God in perfect intelligence and love. For this reason, our education in the virtue of faith and love of God is the most precious gift that the Virgin can give us.

Jean-Michel Castaing, French Catholic author and speaker - May 19, 2019


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