July 19 – First apparition of the Virgin to Saint Catherine Labouré (Paris, 1830)

Graces will be showered on all who ask for them

Many Parisians and tourists are surprised to discover the Miraculous Medal Chapel—opposite a fancy department store—hidden down an alley in the middle of Paris at 140, rue du Bac! The secluded location of this place is the mirror image of the events of 1830.

In 1830, Sister Catherine Labouré, then a novice at the Daughters of Charity convent, had the immense privilege of talking with the Virgin Mary. The first time, on the night of July 18th, Sister Catherine had a spiritual experience that was hard to put into words. "It would be impossible for me to say what I experienced. The Virgin showed me the altar steps and said, Come to the foot of this altar. Here, graces will be spread on all who ask for them with confidence and fervor."

The second apparition took place on November 27th of the same year, during evening prayer. "I saw beautiful rays of light stream from the Blessed Virgin’s open hands, covered with jeweled rings... I heard a voice saying, These rays are a symbol of the graces that I pour out on those who ask them of me.” 

At that moment, an oval formed around the apparition and Catherine saw these words in a semi-circle emblazoned in gold letters: O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. The image turned over and, on the reverse side of the medal Catherine saw the letter M surmounted with a little cross, and below it, the hearts of Jesus and Mary. And she heard: Have a medal made according to this model. For those who will wear it with confidence, there will be abundant graces.

Adapted from the Miraculous Medal Chapel website and a homily by Fr. Gabriel Nissim, May 5, 2019.

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