February 10 – King Louis XIII of France consecrated his kingdom to Mary (1638)

Mary was the Church’s first missionary

Created in 1997, the Carmel of The Virgin Mary, Missionary is evangelizing both through prayer and ministry.

“Mary was a contemplative soul, but she also was the Church’s first missionary—the star of the new evangelization. At the Visitation, she literally took Jesus to her cousin Elizabeth,” the founding priest of the Carmel explains. In everyday life and since its founding, the Carmel of The Virgin Mary, Missionary draws its inspiration from the dual role of the Mother of Christ.

The current prior, Fr. Marie-Van thought of founding this new mixed community along with Father Marie-Michel. Counting eight members today, six nuns and two religious brothers, the Carmel celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2017. Located in the heart of the Drôme department of France since 1999—2,600 ft above sea level in a preserved natural setting—this unique community is rooted in the tradition and the rule of Carmel “in the spirit of Saint Therese of Lisieux and Marcel Van,” Father Marie-Van says.

The men and women religious live a semi-recluse and missionary community life. “Our daily life is based on the liturgy of the Hours, the celebration of the Eucharist, the daily recitation of the Rosary and prayer,” explains the priest. “In our small way, through daily prayer, we offer the world to God.” A mission embraced by the whole community, who performs it in a hidden way. 

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