September 26 – Our Lady of Graces (Ancona, Italy, 1836)

Kilted team prayed the Rosary on Ben Nevis in Scotland

On September 1, 2018, youthful octogenarian and founder of Craig Lodge, Calum MacFarlane-Barrow, led a kilted prayer team on to Britain's highest peak to raise funds for the well-loved house of prayer. The group prayed the Rosary in relays from base to summit, creating an unbroken prayer chain all the way to the top of Ben Nevis. Before the event, he explained: "Having already blessed every Munro for the year 2000 and walked the St Conan's Pilgrim Way in 2017, we have set our sights on Britain's tallest peak. As we climb, we'll raise the intentions of our friends and supporters with us, through the intercession of Our Lady. We'll literally lift your prayers closer to heaven!"

The MacFarlane-Barrow family ran Craig Lodge as a hotel but after a life-changing pilgrimage to Medjugorje in 1990 were inspired to give their home over to the service of God and a community of young people and program of retreats quickly formed around it. Throughout the last 28 years, it has fostered vocations of all kinds, encouraged movements such as Youth 2000 and given birth to the internationally acclaimed school feeding charity Mary's Meals.

Today, Craig Lodge continues to minister to anyone seeking time out for prayer, especially young people and families.

Adapted from Indcatholicnews

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