December 1 – Holy Mary of Graces (Italy, 1923)

Your Mother must be invoked, just like the Father

The Hail Mary must not be recited by thinking only of the earth and your flesh, which is dust and will become dust again. It must be said with the soul turned to Heaven, farther than life, farther than the earth, where Mary, my Mother and yours, lives with her body and soul after she lived on earth with her soul always hovering in Heaven.

The Our Father is the prayer addressed to the Father. The Hail Mary is the prayer addressed to Mary. The first part of the Lord's Prayer is praise to God, the first part of the Hail Mary is the praise of Mary.

The second part of the Lord's Prayer is a request addressed to the Father for all your needs as children of God, who are in temporary residence on earth, but destined for Heaven. The second part of Hail Mary is the request addressed to Mary for your needs as mortals and immortals in the spirit.

Your Mother must be invoked like the Father is invoked. You must not think that she lacks mercy and power, and that she cannot come to your aid in your struggles, your sorrows, your needs and your temptations. You have to learn how to pray, especially in moments of peace, to invoke her help when struggles come.

He is very stupid, he who says to himself: I will do it when it is time. Do you know if you will be able to then? And if God will give you time? Needs, misfortunes and even death often come unexpectedly, like lightning.

Maria Valtorta, Notebooks

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