November 30 – Our Lady of Good Help (Nantes, France) – Blessed Josbertus (d. 1186)

Have you heard about the Diocesan Rosary Congresses?

The Rosary Congress ( is a seven-day event of perpetual Eucharistic adoration and praying the Rosary hourly day and night.

This year, diocesan Rosary congresses will join the Oct. 7th rallies. National co-director Kristin Bird said that at the 4pm hour, the Rosary Congress will “unite with that so we’re working together with like-minded ideas.”

“We feel these two apostolates go hand in hand,” said 2018 Rosary Congress’ national director, Peggy Downs.

The focus on the Eucharist and the Rosary is inspired by St John Bosco’s dream of the Church being saved by anchoring to two pillars — the Eucharist and the Rosary. It will run Oct. 7-13, starting on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and ending on the anniversary of the last Fatima apparition. “The Rosary Congress helps us live out the message of Fatima,” Downs explained.

Another main goal is to pray for four intentions — in reparation for our sins and the sins of our country, for life and the end of abortion, for peace and for sanctification of families.

In 2017, Rosary Congresses were held in 13 locations. Sharing a brief history, Downs said the Rosary Congress began in Poland in 1979, as people prayed that through Mary’s intercession St John Paul II would be allowed to make a papal visit to the country. Their prayer “siege” proved effective. The Polish pope visited his homeland in June 1979.

In 1988, one of the Polish pray-ers brought the congress to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. The aim was to have people bring the Marian event to U.S. dioceses. A group in New Orleans launched the event there in 1990.

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