March 6 – Our Lady of Graces (Padua, Italy, 1630)

"I am not dead!"

Olivier, a resident of Toulouse, France, was lying in intensive care, at death’s door. At the same moment, his brother Bertrand was praying for him in Lourdes. Olivier recovered, then went to thank the Virgin Mary for her intercession. He recalls:

"This is what happened. I went into septic shock – sepsis is another common name for it – which is a life-threatening condition. The chance of survival exists, but it all depends on the time elapsed before it is addressed. Sometimes a few extra minutes can seal your fate. In my case, long hours had passed before the care protocol started!

I regained consciousness in the late morning of April 2, 2016. That same evening, at 9:30 pm, my brother Bertrand, alerted by my daughter, drove to the hospital to see me. He told me at once: "I just came back from Lourdes, where I spent the whole day in the confession chapel. You know, I was praying for you the whole time.” On April 9th, my daughter came to get me and bring me home. Since then, I have returned to a normal life!

After what happened to me - I'm not dead! - I had only one idea in my mind and an ardent desire in my heart: to go to Lourdes from Toulouse as soon as possible to thank Our Lady for her intercession. I was able to fulfill this wish on May 11, 2016."

Olivier (France)

Published in Lourdes’ Journal of Graces #5 July 2016

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