The opening ceremony of a new diocesan Mary Mediatrix of Etoudi Shrine (named after a district of the city) took place on April 8, 2018, in Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon, in the presence of Paul Atanga Nji, the president’s personal representative and minister of Territorial Administration.
The Metropolitan Archbishop of Yaoundé, Mgr Jean Mbarga, presided the ritual blessing. The shrine has a 10-meter statue of the Virgin Mary with a fountain flowing at her feet.
The wish of the community’s forefathers to see their parish transformed into a pilgrimage center became reality yesterday. Many officials, thousands of Catholics, and many members of the Muslim community, were present for this solemn occasion.
Bishop Jean Mbarga reminded the faithful that the Virgin Mary is our best ally to petition the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit on our behalf. Her intercession is powerful because of the special bond she has with her Son. She disperses the proud, raises the humble, and feeds the hungry. She picks up the fallen and raises us. We must associate her to all our struggles, he added.
Only 5% finished, this divine and splendid work is already a response from heaven in this Marian year proclaimed by Bishop Jean Mbarga. In coming days, it aims to become the jewel of the Church in Cameroon.
Sorèle Guebediang, writing from Bessong
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