July 6 – Akita apparitions: a statue that wept tears, and messages given to Sister Agnes Sasagawa Katsuko (Japan, 1973-1981; approved by Bishop Ito in 1984)

Mary's wound is deeper than yours!

The Virgin Mary appeared in Japan from 1973 to 1981, in the chapel of the Eucharistic Servants of the Sacred Heart, a modest convent close to the city of Akita. The statue representing the Blessed Virgin Mary, inside the chapel of this convent, wept real tears 101 times between January 4, 1975, and September 15, 1981. The apparitions and lachrymation were officially recognized on Easter in 1984 by the bishop of the diocese, and approved by Pope Benedict XVI in June 1988 (1).

On the evening of July 6, 1973, Sister Agnes Sasagawa Katsuko, a nun from the convent, began to pray, and suddenly felt in the hollow of her left hand a wound two centimeters wide and three centimeters long, in the shape of a cross. The sensation of a deep sting, like a needle, kept her awake all night.

At 3 o'clock a.m., she heard the voice of her guardian angel, saying: "Do not be afraid! Do not pray only for your own sins, but in reparation for those of all people. The present world hurts the Most Holy Heart of Our Lord by its ingratitude and insults. Mary's wound is much deeper than yours. Now let us go pray together in the chapel."


(1) At the time, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) was Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

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