January 26 – Our Lady of the Lake (Italy, 1872)

Our Lady is with us and can change us

The young Chilean Khristian Briones became addicted to drugs in prison, before being saved by the Rosary (see A Moment with Mary of January 20th).

Sadly, sometime after his release from prison, he fell back into drugs. Yet, one day, as he gave a cigarette to someone, he heard by way of thanks: "God bless you!” This simple sentence was an encouragement that made him decide to take up the right path. He remembers: "I cried, I prayed and I clung to the rosary. I began to practice my faith … I believe that God exists, that Our Lady is with us, and that she can change us. The Virgin prevented me from dying, she helped me to go forward ... God works on me so that I become a better Christian," he explains.

Briones shares his message of hope with inmates through "a Rosary workshop about four times a week that includes catechesis and Mass." He also plans to start a rehabilitation and reintegration program for prisoners. The ex-offender is convinced that "with prayer, the goal can be achieved."

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