February 18 – First Sunday of Lent – Saint Bernadette Soubirous (d. 1879)

Mary inaugurates a new humanity

As a result of her fiat, Mary's conduct throughout the earthly life of her Son was enlightened by Divine Wisdom.

Eve disobeyed God's commandment and as a result she gave birth to a human race deeply marked by sin. Unlike Eve, Mary positively glowed with the divine presence. At the Annunciation it was not the serpent or devil that she faced, but the angel of the Lord.

And because she freely obeyed the voice of the Lord, Mary gave birth to life. She inaugurated a new humanity, since she is the mother of life in Christ.

Mary was a good guide: she led the Child Jesus to the temple, which proves that she and Joseph gave him a solid religious education from an early age. In the passage of the Child Jesus found in the temple, the Gospel states that it was Mary who said, "Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you." (Lk 2:48). The Blessed Virgin spoke in the interest of the whole family, telling us that in a family, singularity does not exclude communion and collaboration.

Dieudonné Cardinal Nzapalainga 

Metropolitan Archbishop of Bangui (Central African Republic)


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