December 4 – The Immaculate Virgin of Sameiro (Portugal)

In the United States, students lead a Rosary for the clergy

On Friday, Sept. 7th, a dozen Franciscan University of Steubenville students gathered to pray a Rosary for the clergy. They were inspired by the homily given at Mass on the prior Sunday at Holy Family Catholic Church in Steubenville, in which the celebrant mentioned that Holy Family Church intended to start a prayer night on Mondays that would be led by the laity.

This resonated with freshman Marie-Louise Hoffman, who said that the prayers for clergy and renewal of the Church need “to be led from the Church, from the people, so … it’s us who have to make the change.”

Taking these words to heart, Franciscan University students sat in chairs or on the concrete steps of the Piazza on campus to lift their prayers for the souls of the clergy… This Rosary is only one of many actions taken by members of the university family. This event was organized by students, but previously, the university also hosted a holy hour for the clergy as well as a panel discussion.

Adapted from an article by Jen Hantz – September 11, 2018

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