August 28 – Our Lady of Tears (Syracuse, Italy, 1953) - Saint Augustine, Doctor of the Church (d. 430)

Twins consecrated to Our Lady as infants

Twins Monica and Cristian Moya, who were born in January 1974, recently learned that their mother consecrated them to the Virgin Mary as infants in order to save their lives. Now serving as a nun and a priest, one of them shared their story with the public.

Last year, Sister Monica took her final vow and officially became a part of the Congregation of the Daughters of Saint Mary of Providence in Chile. She revealed to the Catholic News Agency that it is no coincidence that she became a nun, while her twin brother became a priest at the Shrine of Nuestra Señora Purísima de Lo Vásquez.

A few years back, Sister Monica's learned from their mom about how she consecrated them to the Virgin Mary when they were only three months old. She and Cristian had been sick with a severe case of pneumonia and were in critical condition at the hospital.

As a devotee of the Nuestra Señora Purísima of Lo Vasquez (Our Lady Most Pure), the twins' mother offered her baby's lives to the Virgin Mary … "My mom says that the only thing that came to her mind was to offer us to the Virgin. "After that our recovery occurred," she added. …

During her final vows, Sister Monica wanted her twin brother to officiate the Mass and ceremony, which a bishop customarily led. The congregation granted the nun's request after she asked permission.

Incidentally, her brother belongs to the parish that her mother frequented when the twins became ill. It was at the Shrine of Nuestra Señora Purísima de Lo Vásque that their mother begged the Virgin Mary for mercy for the twins' lives.

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