August 17 – Our Lady of Town Squares (Crozant, France, 1664)

Rain for the last day?

Don Bosco was preaching a triduum of prayers in preparation for the feast of the Assumption in the rural parish of Montemagno near Turin, Italy, during a severe drought that threatened to ruin the potato crops, the country's main produce.

At the opening sermon of the triduum, Don Bosco announced: "My brethren, if you give generously of your time and come to hear the word of God during these three days, and if you purify your consciences by a good confession, I promise you rain for the last day.” When the guest preacher came down from the pulpit, the angry parish priest approached him and said: "Don Bosco, what did you just promise? Rain for the last day?" - "Did I say that?" asked Don Bosco, surprised.

The church was filled during each sermon. The confessionals were stormed. All the people old enough to receive communion approached the altar on the morning of the Assumption. On the afternoon of the last day, the closing of the triduum, the church was packed. Meanwhile, the sun was still blazing hot and the sky was showing no sign of the smallest cloud.

About to ascend the pulpit right after the Magnificat, a slightly worried Don Bosco sent the sacristan out to inspect the sky, while he himself murmured this prayer: "Good Mother, you can not disappoint them; see their eagerness!” The sacristan returned, saying: "There is a tiny cloud on the horizon, as big as a policeman's hat, but nothing of consequence.” Don Bosco went to the pulpit, but he had barely said ten sentences that a loud thunderclap resounded, followed by an abundant downpour!


Fr. Jean-Marie

In La clé du Trésor (The Key to the Treasure)

Reported in the 1980 Collection of Marian Stories by Brother Albert Pfleger, Marist

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