April 8 – Divine Mercy Sunday – Our Lady of Basella (Italy, 1356)

A shrine dedicated to "Mary who heals married couples"

On February 3rd, a new Marian shrine was created in the parish church of Solesmes in France. There are hundreds of Marian shrines worldwide, but this one is different, as it is dedicated to "Mary who heals married couples."

The man behind the project is Guillaume d'Alançon, episcopal delegate for the family in the diocese of Bayonne (France), also the director of the Institute for the Family in Europe (IFE). Deeply aware of the painful trials many couples go through, he says that to "fix" them, one must take into account not only the human aspects but also the spiritual dimension. And, being a devout Christian, to him the solution is simple: "We must turn to Mary, model of all spouses.” The shrine is simply called "Mary who heals married couples."

This project was quickly supported by Dom Louis Soltner, the parish priest of Solesmes, whose church houses the new shrine. There, struggling Christian couples can come and kneel at the feet of the Virgin Mary. The shrine also provides special novenas (9 consecutive days of prayer directed to a particular intention) and spiritual direction with a priest.

The apostolic nuncio to France was present at the inaugural ceremony.

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