September 15 – Our Lady of Sorrows

Why Mary is Queen of Martyrs

On September 15th, the liturgy of the Church invites us to remember the sufferings of the Virgin Mary, Mother of our Savior. “Your pain, O sacred Virgin, was the greatest that a pure creature ever endured.” (Saint Anselm)

The "obligatory memory" of Our Lady of Sorrows – on which the Church invites us to meditate more profoundly during this Octave of the Nativity of Our Lady – serves to remind us of the incredible sort of martyrdom that the August Virgin Mary suffered as co-redemptrix of the human race.

Painters represent her Heart pierced with seven swords, the seven principal sorrows of the Mother of God. Here is the list: 1. The prophecy of the Old Man Simeon (Luke 2: 34-35); 2. The flight of the Holy Family to Egypt (Matthew 2: 13-21); 3. The disappearance of Jesus for three days and his finding at the Temple (Luke 2: 41-51); 4. The meeting of the Virgin Mary and Jesus on the Via Dolorosa (Luke 23: 27-31); 5. Mary seeing the suffering and death of Jesus on the Cross (John 19, 25-27); 6. Mary receiving her dead Son into her arms during the deposition from the Cross; 7. Mary letting go of the body of her Son when he is placed in the Holy Sepulcher.

Source: Notre Dame des Neiges

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