September 7 – The Santa Casa is transferred to Loreto (Italy, 1295) – Founding of the Legion of Mary (Dublin, Ireland, 1921)

Before Mary, the chains of hell cannot stand

A man and his wife, after their children had grown up, resolved to live in total continence to better honor God. But one day the devil managed to tempt the husband. His wife tried in vain to restrain him. In anger, she uttered these imprudent words: "If I have a child, I’ll give it to the devil." The Evil One heard it. A son was born, handsome in body, soul and spirit. Full of remorse, his mother was constantly lamenting.

Twelve years later, Satan appeared to the mother and said, "I will come back soon to make you keep your word!” The desperate mother revealed her secret to her son. Frightened, the child ardently prayed to the heavenly Mother. He also went to see a saintly hermit, who restored his hope: "Have faith: before the Lady of Heaven, the chains of hell cannot stand!"

The hermit traced the sign of the cross on him, then they both fasted and kept vigil in prayer the whole night. In the morning, the priest celebrated Mass and the child served, but at the moment of communion the boy disappeared suddenly, carried away by Satan who was on the watch. The priest, sobbing with grief, fell at the feet of the Virgin Mary, begging her. The Mother of the King of Glory did not ignore his pleas—the child was returned and received communion—Our Lady had delivered him! As soon as they had seen her, the Devil and his demons had let go of their prey and fled. 

Gautier de Coincy

Les plus beaux miracles de la Vierge (The Most Beautiful Miracles of the Virgin), F. Lanore, Editor, Paris

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