October 25 – Consecration of the Toledo Cathedral to Mary (Spain, 1075)

Mary is our mother

Father Yves Sarrasin, from Orsières, Switzerland, is a member of the Third Order of the Eucharistein Fraternity. Every year, he organizes a Marian pilgrimage for the youth, in the mountains. Zenit.org asked him this question: “What can one say to a young person who does not understand Mary’s place in the Christian faith?”

This is what he said:

“Mary was there at each stage of Jesus' life, from his conception to his death on the cross, and resurrection. Like every son, Jesus must have had a special bond with his mother. That is why He gave her to us, from the cross, as a mother, when he said, "Woman, here is your son." Since Mary is our mother she walks before us on our life’s journey.

“Mary was the first to respond to God’s total love, so she knows how to help us do the same. During her life on earth, she was discreet, silent and always full of trust in God. She meditated on all the events that were going on in her life. Mary is the one who leads to Jesus, who teaches us to pray to him, so we can gradually become his intimate friends and love him. She truly is our mediatrix.

“As Pope Francis said in the prayer composed for this occasion: Young people ‘aspire to the most beautiful and deepest things’.” 

Translated from the French – Source: Zenit

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