October 5 – Death of Bartolo Longo, founder of Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Pompeii (d. 1926)

The Rosary helped her husband leave Purgatory for Heaven

Marie Andrée, a wife and mother, used to lead a life without God. She had an ordinary life, working as a real estate broker. This was until her husband of 20 years, Michael, died tragically. This traumatic event made her find the faith. She said: (1)

“I learned that the Virgin Mary is particularly devoted to the Rosary. She grants souls who pray to her what they ask. In my childlike trust, I decided to pray the Rosary for Michael, four weeks after he had died. Since I was completely exhausted, I asked inwardly to be awakened at six in the morning to pray half the Rosary, and, if I had not been able to finish it before falling asleep at night, to be wakened again so as to finish the other half.

To my surprise, it not only worked but the waking-up on time repeated itself every day: Whatever my state of exhaustion, I awoke every morning to pray, and every night I was woken up again if I had fallen asleep before finishing my daily Rosary!

This continued until one evening, about six weeks later, I heard a voice distinctly say to me: ‘You can stop praying for him, thanks to your prayers he has arrived where he should arrive. Now you must pray for yourself.’ What great joy I felt! What a reward!”

Today, Marie Andrée gives talks to bring glory to the Virgin Mary.


(1) Saveurs divines, une athée raconte sa conversion (Divine Flavors: An Atheist Tells About Her Conversion), by Marie Andree Rinck, Rassemblement à Son Image Publisher, April 2017

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