November 23 – Our Lady of the Assumption (Italy, 1624)

Mary and the intellectualization of faith

On September 14, 2017, Pope Francis received 114 bishops who were appointed during the past year.

We spoke with Bishop Xavier Malle, the new bishop of the diocese of Gap and Embrun, France, on April 8th, who attended that special gathering. He remembers a particular thing that the pope said on the subject of "culture and religious expressions of the people":

"I was touched by what the Holy Father said about popular religious gestures. He insists a lot on that. It is true that in France we have intellectualized the faith a bit too much, and treated gestures such as touching the wall of the grotto in Lourdes, or making the sign of the cross with holy oil from the Shrine of Le Laus with a little contempt.

Being close to the people also means showing respect for popular expressions of faith. It also applies to us young bishops, because it is not always easy to find the right balance. People are so happy to see us, we have to let go of our prejudices. Somehow, letting go of them is a form of self-giving—it’s the opposite of pride."

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