Novembre 2 – Coptic Church: Memorial of the Holy Family in Egypt

A peace and joy unknown in Islam

Born and raised in a Muslim family, Egyptian author Nahed Mahmoud Metwalli (1) persecuted the Christians at the school where she worked, until she encountered the Virgin Mary, then Jesus, in several visions.

One day when she made a snide remark about the medal of the Virgin her secretary was wearing, Nahed suddenly saw the Blessed Virgin, clothed and veiled in blue, right before her eyes. Then, assailed with doubts during the night, she had another vision, this time of Christ, who said to her, "Be at peace. You will have a mission that will be revealed to you in due time."

Literally struck by God’s light, Nahed the persecutor—like Saint Paul the persecutor on the road to Damascus—fell down and got back up converted in her heart. This transformation led to her baptism, in 1988.

Since then, Nahed has become a target of persecution in her own country. From the Netherlands where she lives in exile, she shares her testimony with all Muslims: "The Christian faith has brought me incredible peace and joy, unknown in Islam... Christianity is a life worthy of angels. May the Lord grant his light to all men, to know his Truth and Love!"


(1) Nahed is the author of Islam Encounters Christ, Published June 30th 2002 by Light & Life Pub Co

Source: Aleteia

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