In the homily of the Holy Chrism Mass he celebrated in Saint Peter's Basilica on April 13, 2017, on the morning of Holy Thursday, Pope Francis addressed priests:
"Everything that Jesus Christ proclaims and we priests too proclaim, is good news ... The joys of the gospel are special joys ... They need to be poured into new wineskins." And the pope adds that the stone water jars "clearly reflect that perfect vessel which is Our Lady herself, the Virgin Mary". As in Cana, "Mary is the new wineskin brimming with contagious joy."
"Without her, dear priests, we cannot move forward in our priesthood!" the pope exclaimed the Pope, departing for a moment from his prepared text. Mary is "Our Lady of Prompt Succor, who, after conceiving in her immaculate womb the Word of life, goes out to visit and assist her cousin Elizabeth."
And, he assured us, "Her ‘contagious fullness’ helps us overcome the temptation of fear, the temptation to keep ourselves from being filled to the brim and even overflowing, the temptation to a faint-heartedness that holds us back from going forth to fill others with joy."
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