July 8 – Our Lady of Kazan (Russia)

For a general mobilization against the risk of hell

In his homily of May 13, 2017, in Fatima (Portugal), for the canonization of the shepherds Francisco and Jacinta, Pope Francis explained that “the Virgin Mother did not come here so that we could see her”; instead, she came to “warn us about a way of life that is godless and indeed profanes God in his creatures that risks leading to hell.”

He added that “in asking and demanding of each of us the fulfillment of the duties of our proper state, God effects a general mobilization against the indifference that chills the heart and worsens our myopia.”

“Indeed God created us to be a source of hope for others, a true and attainable hope, in accordance with each person’s state of life … Life can survive only because of the generosity of other lives.”

He concluded with these words:” With Mary’s protection, may we be for our world sentinels of the dawn, contemplating the true face of Jesus the Savior….and rediscover the young and beautiful face of the Church, which shines forth when she is missionary, welcoming, free, faithful, poor in means and rich in love.”

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