July 4 – Our Lady Refuge of Sinners

Our Lady of Caravaggio protected me

Throughout my life, I have always kept Mary in my thoughts. For me, she is a mother, a companion, a friend ... I am attentive to her wishes. 

For instance, here is a small incident concerning her that struck me one day.

During my training at the diocesan shrine of Our Lady of Caravaggio in Farroupilha (Brazil), on a very hot day while we were working outdoors, I was cutting wood with a chainsaw plugged into an extension cord.

The day’s heat had caused a 15-centimeter long crack in the cable, leaving the wires exposed and dangerous. Thoughtlessly, I unrolled the cord without unplugging it and went to work. When I had finished, I realized how imprudent I had been to force the defective cord without noticing its crack!

Nothing serious happened, but I suddenly thought to myself: "Our Lady of Caravaggio has protected me!" Since that day, when I pray the Rosary, I always invoke Our Lady of Caravaggio. In the Diocese of Juína we have a small grotto where people can open up their hearts, cry and thank Our Lady.

Bishop Neri José Tondello, of Juína - MT (Brazil)

Exclusive Interview by Thácio Siqueira for A Moment with Mary

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