At the 22nd International Mariological and Marian Congress held in Lourdes in September 2008, Bishop Charles Scicluna, Promoter of Justice for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, explained that the Church considers apparitions to be "a charism of the Spirit, and as such they are akin to the gift of prophecy."
They must therefore be examined, but not suppressed, the prelate suggested. "Marian apparitions must be welcomed by keeping in mind the final revelation given in Jesus Christ. Therefore, they are not something absolute. They are not even necessary, and are only complementary and secondary for the life of the faith."
Apparitions can have different purposes. They can have a doctrinal or pastoral mission, or be a call to penance and conversion. The approval of an apparition is an aid offered to the faithful. Official recognition can serve to explain the truths professed by the Church or to invite Christians to lead a better life.
The Church must pay attention to apparitions and to the information about them, because these phenomena tend to greatly stir the faith of the people and conversions and even miracles can happen.