January 10 – Our Lady of Tears (Italy, 1546)

Mary always said “yes” to God

Mary is demanding: she leads us by mysterious paths, along the arduous path of the cross. One must say “yes” personally to Mary’s calls, on a personal level, or better yet, on a family level.

Let us give ourselves to God again, personally and collectively, without being afraid of the future. May we let ourselves be guided by her and follow her without delay, without looking left and right. To the extent that we say “yes,” she will say “yes” to whatever we ask of her. To renew this gift is to give ourselves like Mary gave herself, without delay, without reservation, without turning back, and without ceasing. Mary gave herself entirely, with all she had—her being, her life, and her will.

Mary never took back this gift of herself, and never looked back. She never stopped for a moment, and she answered “yes” to God again and again. In return, God kept sending her more light, more love, and more strength, expressing his ever more exacting will... Thus we can understand, Marthe says, how Mary is immaculate in her Conception and in her divine maternity.

Father Manteau-Bonamy

Excerpts from Marthe Robin sous la conduite de Marie (Marthe Robin: Under Mary’s Guidance) - Editions Saint-Paul


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