February 26 – Blessed Virgin Meschecia (Russia, 1492)

Are we ready to receive God’s gifts?

It is easy to approach the Lord to ask for something, but to return and give thanks is another matter. That is why Jesus points to the nine ungrateful lepers who failed to give thanks: “Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” (Lk 17:17-18).

After Mary, our Mother heard the message of the Angel, she lifted up her heart in a song of praise and thanksgiving to God, saying: “My soul magnifies the Lord…” Let us ask our Lady to help us recognize that everything is God’s gift, and to say “Thank you.” Then, I assure you, our joy will be complete. Only those who know how to say “Thank you” will experience the fullness of joy.

The heart of Mary, more than any other, is a humble heart, capable of accepting God’s gifts. In order to become man, God precisely chose her, a simple young woman of Nazareth, who did not dwell in the palaces of power and wealth, or do extraordinary things.

Let us ask ourselves – it will do us good – if we are prepared to accept God’s gifts, or prefer instead to shut ourselves up within our forms of material security, intellectual security, the security of our plans.

Pope Francis


Homily for the Marian Jubilee, October 9, 2016


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