We live in Sainte-Anne-d'Auray (Brittany, France). At the age of 17, after not practicing for a long time … I ended up receiving the sacrament of Confirmation in a wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit. My mother played an important role in this conversion by her example and especially by signing me up to receive A Moment With Mary. At first, these messages annoyed me, but gradually I became caught by the Love they contained, and by the power of Mary that I never had suspected was so great.
After that, I went on a trip around France without any money, living on Providence for a whole month. I wanted to meet other brothers in Christ and the Most Holy Virgin Mary ... At Our Lady of Laus Shrine (France), I experienced the grace of perfumes. I smelled the delightful perfume of Mary near me. Then I saw my life pass before my eyes, and everywhere I went I discovered God’s love. While a flood of tears poured out of my soul, I remembered the words of Mary, which my mother had recited to me and that I had never understood: "If you knew how much God loves you, you would weep for joy.” I realized this new heart that God had given me was none other than the Sacred Heart of Jesus and that I had to take care of it!
Swann Cimbé-Brianceau
After his conversion, Swann, who turned 20 this year, travelled around Europe in July 2017 living on Providence. His main stops were in many of the great European Marian shrines, to thank Mary for his conversion.
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