While Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu continues his new settlements program of bringing Israeli civilians in Palestinian territories, worsening the climate of tension between Israelis and Palestinians, some have chosen to react by brandishing the weapon of prayer. This is the case of Italian Sister Donatella Lessio. Sister Donatella is a 54-year-old Franciscan Elizabethan nun who trains the staff of the Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem, the only medical facility on the West Bank that treats children.
Every Friday at 5:30 pm (6 pm in the summer), Sister Donatella goes outside to recite the Rosary along the separation wall between Israel and the West Bank. The nun is often accompanied by sisters, brothers of the Christian Schools and a Palestinian who lives close to the wall. Not to mention the groups of pilgrims whose number sometimes approaches up to 200 people.
"For me, this wall is an insult to peace," said Donatella, echoing what the Latin Patriarchate thinks. And it is also a failure for humanity. Mankind is made to have relationships."
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