October 31 – Pius XII consecrates the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1942)

She has always saved us!

Marshal Foch, a general in the French army, was born in Tarbes, near Lourdes, in 1851. As a child, he met Bernadette Soubirous and even played with her once. At 20, he consecrated himself to the Virgin Mary. In 1914, when the Great War broke out, Foch called upon Our Lady daily and before every battle. Indeed, he strongly believed in the power of prayer.

In the last weeks of the war, he attended daily Mass and recited the Rosary before going to work. "I owe my faith in Mary to my mother. I have prayed my Rosary every day of my life." - "Even in days of hard fighting?" – "All the more so on those days! Many times I felt I was going to be defeated. So I clung to her like a 2-year-old child clings to his mother. I asked for her inspiration. She has always saved us." Foch always attributed his victories to the Immaculate. He credited his good heavenly Mother for all the glory and honors he received after the final victory. 

Text published in Le carillon de l'Immaculée (The Immaculate’s Carillon) Lourdes, 1991

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